Wednesday, June 22, 2011

i know i've been slacking....

So here's the deal, about a week after I published my last blog i dropped my laptop and broke it! I only had big red ( yep, I named my laptop) for about 3 months when the accident happened. Yes, i'm well aware that has to be the dumbest/ most irresponsible thing i've ever done. I still can't believe that i broke it. No worries though! i'm ordering a new laptop in two weeks. I've got him all picked out and I found the perfect name too. My new laptop is going to be called.... RON WEASLEY! I have to pay homage to one of the best series of books ever. Plus, i think it'll be hilarious seeing the looks on peoples faces when i talk about my adventures with ron weasley. haha. Long story short, when ron comes in i'll finally stop being a neglectful blogger and get back to posting all the time.